Break the Bondage of Fear
An ebook by Pastor Thomas originally published in July of 2013.
Are you sometimes overwhelmed by fear and anxiety?
Do you have Fears that keep you from living free and enjoying life?
Are you fearful about what is happening in the world around you?
Are you ever held back in life, prevented from participating in activities, because you are scared or overwhelmed with anxiety?
Do you have the kind of fears that can paralyze and prevent you from going out? Sometimes? Often? Do they keep you isolated?
Do your Fears keep you from meeting new people and making friends?
If you do, I have good news for you. You need not live that way anymore.
You need not let fear control and limit your life any longer. You need not be bound by the “Spirit of Fear”! Starting today you can get unto the path of becoming free. Free of all your fears.
The answers are all contained in this widely read book by Rev/Pastor Thomas Holm.
“Break the Bondage of Fear” the ebook. Check it out- here.
“My first and signature ebook is now available in our bookstore”. Also at Amazon Create Space in soft cover. Read or watched on TV by millions.

Overcome all of your Anxiety and Fear. The one prescription that works.
Teri, a reader wrote the ministry.
I got both of your books and read them all night and it brought me to tears. I have some how forgotten how powerful the lord is and I feel so much stronger, knowing He is here and is helping me, by sending me to the places I need to be. I am so much more empowered and I do believe that God and my lord Jesus will deliver me out this and it’s ok to get help and I’m not alone.
Thank you and God bless you. Teri
Break the Bondage of Fear is an ebook that will guide you on how to become free from all the fears that are interfering in your life and possibly enslaving you. You don’t have to live this way any more. Trusting in the power of Jesus can bring total relief.
Table of Contents to “Break the Bondage of Fear”
Title page
Chapter 2 Are you a slave to fear?
Chapter 3 The pain killer remedies to fear
Chapter 4 How can we know what fears are putting us into bondage?
Chapter 5 God is our protector! We need not fear
Chapter 6 Obtaining the power to overcome all fear
Chapter 7 Do you believe that God can and will, if you ask?
Chapter 8 How to get Deliverance and Freedom from All Fears
Chapter 9 Living Free of the Bondage of Fear
Chapter 10 Jesus Christ has absolute authority over all creation
Chapter 11 How and Why to Plead the Blood of Jesus Prayer
Chapter 12 Pleading the Blood of Jesus! A Prayer of Protection
Reflections from the author
Addendum List of Fears
“Break the Bondage of Fear” contains complete Biblical explanations on how through God we can become free of the fears that enslave us. Including step by step instructions on how you can be delivered from the “Spirit of Fear”. The original 10 page writing was read or seen and heard on television by over a million souls. Some say five million.
The full book includes a total teaching on being delivered from the “Spirit of Fear” and it also includes four chapters on how to remain free of all soul binding fear. It is very much for the guys as well as the gals.
Are you aware that the “Spirit of Fear” is the cause of many major medical problems.
BE BOLD! Take action! The spiritual war is on and you and your loved ones don’t have to be casualties.
The Book Store is open and is secure for all transactions and downloads. See the “Secure” logo at the bottom of the bookstore pages. More books coming soon.
The “Break the Bondage of Fear” ebook is a complete Christian resource, that will show you how to live your life free of all fear and give you step by step instructions to help you be Delivered from the “Spirit of Fear”. Because of what Jesus did for us and whom He is, there is no fear that you can’t become free of.
Also at Amazon Kindle Books and other fine retailers.
When purchased, you receive the book to be read like a book on your computer or any of the available readers that are on the market.
Buy one for yourself or a love one who is suffering. The book will be delivered to what ever email address you desire. Problem and virus free. Cost $7.50 on Amazon. Donation priced in our book store.
God Bless,
Pastor Thomas Holm
Your friends at The Joseph Plan