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Islam Rising! A documentary featuring Walid Shoebat.

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This video on the Rise of Islam is a wonderful documentary. I encourage everyone to gain a good knowledge about this  religion. Islam, in any form, is far from a religion of peace.

It is a long watch, so I advise you view it when you have plenty of time.

This minister has believed for a long time that the anti-christ rises out of the eastern leg of the original Roman Empire. All the countries that make up that leg are Muslim. It is yet to be seen exactly what countries will make up the ten nation confederacy.

The Rise of Islam out of the old Ottoman/Turkish Empire. Enjoy!

Featuring Walid Shoebat. A former PLO terrorist who converted to Christianity.

Let’s all walk each day under the covering and protection of the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, with an Enduring Faith.
1John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and you have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Psalm 91:22 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”Through Him, We will overcome”.

In prayer the Lord will guide you. Please give the above information good prayerful consideration.

Through An Enduring Faith and in the hands and through the mouth of a true believer mountains can truly be moved.

But not by our own strength. See this post on the power and strength of, our Lord.

People like yourself, sharing this knowledge with their friends and loved ones is the primary way new visitors are introduced to this ministry site. We have provided a share link below. Please don’t keep it to yourself. But please us your discernment when sharing. This posting is truly for the mature Christians.

My friend, Are you confident where you are going to spend eternity when this all ends? There is an end for all of us some day. Some of us maybe today.

There is only one way to know and be assured– Ask our Father in heaven in Jesus Christs’ name in prayer today!

Are You Saved from damnation, the eternal fate of so many? Are you sure? Ask Him. Find out and be assured.

Rom 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that  we are the children of God.

When we ask the Lord, in Jesus Christ’s name, He assures us with His peace and understanding. If for any reason you question your salvation, go to a quiet place, alone, and talk to Jesus. Repent of your sins and commit your life to Him. Then go to a bible believing church and get baptized.

He is faithful! He always listens and always responds!

The Salvation Prayer (click here) is in the Blog in the right column of this page. You can walk without fear. Start nurturing An Enduring Faith, today.

Visit theJoseph Plan Blog and be blessed. There are scores of articles for you to enjoy.

May God Bless You and keep you safe from the evil one!

Pastor Thomas Holm

The ministry of The Joseph Plan

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