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Real Christian Hard Core Deliverance Training

Jesus taught us the way for total deliverance. Deliverance from:
Bruised hearts. Bruised spirits and bruised souls.
Deliverance from sin. Deliverance from the demonic. Deliverance from illness.

In this teaching you can learn about “Real Christian Deliverance”. Biblical deliverance.

Many Christians are hurting today. Suffering physically, emotionally and spiritually. You do not have to suffer. Jesus is the answer.

Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

Broken hearts. Bruised spirits and pain caused by the the evil one, our enemy.

Deliverance from the demonic. Deliverance from the evil in or around you.

There are reasons and there are solutions.

The modern Christian church doesn’t address the real problems that so many Christians need to deal with today. The instructions that Jesus gave His church to teach about, address and heal the members are mostly absent and ignored by modern churchianity.

Most churches don’t understand that all Christians are dealing with a real enemy. Most Christians are in a war. We are in a daily war with an enemy that wants us sick, confused, full of anxiety, angry, fearful, and yes, even dead. Most churches don’t address that our enemy, Satan, and all of his workers, the demons are real and very active in so many Christians lives. For the truth is that any Christian can have a demon. We are primary targets.

This teaching is specifically for Christians who have pains and issues in their life and want to be free and healed of them. If you do not believe that anger, fear, rage, resentments, curses and shame are caused by demons or that you, because you are a Christian can have a demon, please see our many posts that deal with this. Demons are real. They will show you that almost all of the issues we face in our lives are spiritual in nature and must be dealt with spiritually. A very good place to start can be found here.

These teachings will not be taught in your Sunday school or bible study lessons or heard from the pulpit in a traditional Churchianity church. The pastors have not been taught this vital information and frankly, do not care to have the cold hard facts about the spiritual war we are dealing with discussed anywhere near their church. And if they must touch on it in some way, their response is typically to send the church member to an outside group that doesn’t minister true deliverance. There are many groups that call themselves healing or deliverance ministries that are more “New Age” and still don’t address the real causes of spiritual disease and oppression.

Many pastors simply recommend the parishioner to the local social services, where they administer society’s cures.

In today’s world of healing and deliverance ministries there are two distinct camps or ways to approach healing.

There is the blood-less ministries that concentrates on prayer and the use of scripture for healing. In some circumstances this can work and should not be discounted completely as a possible answer. But the experience of this ministry says that for most serious oppressions or spiritual diseases this approach is basically ineffective and can actually cause harm by one believing they have been helped, when the truth is that all that happened was that they were helped to feel better for a time. But the root causes of the problem was never addressed or healed.

Bloodless Deliverance and Healing ministries cannot and do not provide the type of healing the bible instructs us about. They can’t without the authority and power of God being brought into the person’s life for regeneration and healing.

These ministries usually are of the same mindset and follow the teachings of an organization called “Purpose Driven Life”. A supposed Christian organization that actually teaches about a different Jesus than the Jesus Christ of our Holy Bible. How do I know this? In 2003 they offered me a position and during the interview admitted it. They told me. I have many posts onsite concerning the New Age philosophies entering into God’s church.

The teaching you are getting here is about Real Christian Spiritual Healing and Deliverance. The kind of healing and deliverance that can only come from God. It can only happen when “The Blood of Jesus” is applied and true miracles occur.  Do you believe in miracles? You better start if you don’t already. Because that is what Real Deliverance is all about. When the “Blood of Jesus” is brought in miracles occur.

Lives changed!
Bodies healed!
Faith restored!
And miracles happening!

All because of the “Blood of Jesus” that was shed for you.

It is time to get Jesus Christ and the bible out of the box that churchianity has so neatly packaged them in!

When someone gets saved they receive the Holy Spirit.  Later they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit that gives the person the power to do the works of Christ (Acts 10, 19, 2).  That is what is going on in Acts 8 and 19. I recommend you read these chapters

It is time for your deliverance. Over the next couple of weeks I will be putting up four teachings be Brother Michael W Smith. Michael has a number of decades of experience in this area and is considered one of the best teachers and ministries in the area of Personal Deliverance. I invite you to take the time and learn.

Jesus heals. Jesus changes lives. Jesus Christ can truly “Free the Captives”. And all because of The Blood. This is not a bloodless teaching. It is Real Hard Core Deliverance Training.

Before we get to deeply into this training, here is a basic educational video from Brother Michael of the House of Healing on “How the spirit world works”.

Here’s Brother Michael of Hardcore Christian Counseling at the House of Healing in Phoenix, Arizona with the first teaching of a series of four training videos. You are going to want to watch and study them all. All four will be available after the second week of May.

The Joseph Plan offers a free Spiritual Warfare Training Course. Sign up on the blue bar at the top of the page. Starting today you had become free.

You will find our teaching on self deliverance here.

Here is lesson two from Bro Michael’s teaching on true Hardcore Biblical Deliverance. You can live free of all the demonic.

Deliverance Training Class Three

Deliverance Training Class Four

Deliverance Training Class Five


Prepare yourself and your family. If you are a born again Christian, I invite you to take our “Spiritual Warfare Training Course” at the top of this page. (the blue bar) You need not live in fear or any other demonic bondage. Jesus protects all who are truly His and He gives us the proper knowledge to be victorious over all evil.

“Our people suffer from a lack of teaching!”

NO FEAR! Together we can walk through these end times, holding our heads up and trusting our enduring faith in Him!

“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”. (Matt 24)-

Through An Enduring Faith and in the hands and through the mouth of a true believer mountains can truly be moved.

My friend, Are you confident where you are going to spend eternity when this all ends? There is an end for all of us some day, some of us maybe today.

There is only one way to know and be assured– Ask our Father in heaven in Jesus Christs’ name in prayer today!


Are You Saved from damnation, the eternal fate of so many?

Are you sure? Ask Him. Find out and be assured.

Rom 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that  we are the children of God.

When we ask the Lord, in Jesus Christ’s name, He assures us with His peace and understanding.

If for any reason you question your salvation, go to a quiet place, alone, and talk to Jesus. Repent of your sins and commit your life to Him. Then go to a bible believing church and get baptized. He is faithful! He always listens and always responds!

The Salvation Prayer (click here)

You can walk without fear. Start nurturing An Enduring Faith, today.

There are scores of articles for you to enjoy. May God Bless You and keep you safe from the evil one!

Pastor Thomas Holm is the author of the “Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual”, “Overcoming Evil”- the “Spiritual Warfare Training Course” and other books. Visit our bookstore for extensive spiritual warfare teachings. Click here. All books are donation priced, with you in mind.

Psalm 91

God Bless,

Pastor Thomas Holm

The World Wide Ministry of The Joseph Plan

Free Spiritual Warfare Training EMail Course
taught by Pastor Thomas

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