Warning to all God Fearing Americans-Prepare Now

Warning to God Fearing Americans-Prepare Now! Ret Lt General W. [...]

Three Dreams about judgement on America in 2013

Dreams and visions. People are having dreams and visions all [...]

By |2019-03-25T05:52:57-07:00May 11th, 2013|Blog, Prepare Now, Wars and Rumors of Wars|17 Comments

Henry Gruver- Our visionary. A Warning to America.

Henry Gruver. One of Americas Christian treasures. Who is Pastor [...]

Dumitru Duduman-America is Babylon

Dumitru Duduman is a Romanian pastor. Pastor Duduman is a [...]

Babylon is Falling! The Judgment of God on America!

   The daughter of Babylon, America the great is falling! [...]

Purpose Driven Church forced them to make a big decision

Purpose Driven Life drove her to resign the organist job [...]

Pastor Thomas’ vision about America during these last days

A prophetic dream of Pastor Thomas, my vision about America. [...]

By |2019-03-25T06:20:27-07:00August 8th, 2012|Blog, Wars and Rumors of Wars|4 Comments

The judgements of God on America are coming–Isaiah 9:10 prophecy!

These two questions are asked all over our land. "Where [...]

By |2019-03-25T06:16:03-07:00July 15th, 2012|An Enduring Faith, Blog|6 Comments

America during the end times

America is falling! Economically, morally and spiritually America is falling! [...]

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